The OneDrive also has some powerful features. However, if you need more space, you need to pay for it. Ĭommented on: DirectStorage 1.OneDrive offers 5GB of storage space to users for free.I wonder if they immediately tried to…Ĭommented on: GitHub Copilot apparently violating open source licensing, says programmers

Ĭhance Govar: I'm not sure I agree that matrix transposition code meets the bar for something that can actually be "ripped off" though I think DeepMind did just break a 50 year record for matrix multiplication in the fewest steps.This is a really big deal, with the speed of a GPU all files could…Ĭommented on: DirectStorage 1.1 GPU decompression can load games 3x faster Restore Solutions: "Microsoft is also working with AMD, Intel, and NVIDIA to provide drivers tailored for its new compression format so that its implementation is presumably as seamless as its DirectX technologies.

Restore Solutions: The navigation is a lot better!Ĭommented on: Windows Spotify app gets a new design with latest update Some users will apparently pay for anything.Ĭommented on: Telegram updates on Windows 11 with reaction changes and emoji statuses K Why would anyone buy Premium to be able to add reactions in chat when one can simply use a free desktop emoji keyboard like EF*CK. Right-click on the “Prevent the usage of OneDrive for file storage” policy setting option in the right pane, set it to “Disabled,” and click on OK.

Select Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates. Go to the Start menu search bar, type in ‘group policy editor,’ and select the Best match.To get rid of OneDrive with Group Policy Editor, follow the steps below: The Group Policy Editor is a Windows tool that can be used for controlling and managing different aspects of a Windows account. Remove OneDrive using Group Policy Editor So if you’re using the Professional, Enterprise, or Education version of Windows, then you need to use the Group Policy Editor for achieving the same thing. Note: The above method is only works with people using Windows Home edition. To remove the OneDrive app completely, follow the steps below: But here's the caveat: even when you've removed the OneDrive app, its folders (although empty) will remain in the File Explorer. Your OneDrive application will be uninstalled in just a few seconds.