You can also pull up this same menu from the chat window if you right click at the top where the contact name is listed. This will not give much info, but the „Skype Name” listed there is the skype ID, not the display name, and now you can verify that you did find the right Skype user with the exact skype ID that you are looking for. However, from the search window, if you right click on the user name, a menu will come up, and you can „View Profile”. Otherwise, operator data charges may apply. Note: Skype-to-Skype calls and messages are always free when used on an unlimited data plan or WiFi connection. If you simply double click the contact, it will open in the chat window, and again, shows the skype name, which could be duplicated. People refer to it as Skype ID or Skype live ID because it is used to add contacts on Skype and also, because of the text ‘live’ before the unique username. Dont have Skype or Skype Name You can Download Skype for Free Browse online users and Find Skype contacts with desired age and gender Need a Help and Tips. To save photos and videos that were previously sent or received in an older version of Skype, save that content to your camera roll/photo gallery before upgrading to the new Skype. But, if you are like me, you want to know for sure. When you search by skype ID, it appears that the first listing is the exact match of the skype ID.
How do you know, when having the exact ID of a person, which of the names in the list are the ones you are looking for? The trouble is, if that person has a name which is common, you will get lots of results. Now you send a friend request to the desired person You can send them as many. Let’s say you want to search for someone on Skype, and that person gives you his/her Skype ID. there is an option in Skype to find friends open that and type random ids.